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Combo Remedy Maker


The Combo Remedy Maker was designed for the user who wants to "Have it all" - that is the combination of a Voice Programmed Remedy Maker Mk2, a Voice Programmed Healer, and a Radionic Potentiser for P.C, all in one small hand held device, measuring 5.5 inches x 3.25 inches x aprox 1.5 inches deep.


The device is designed to make remedies from the words spoken into it, the name of a remedy plus the potency, (a Homeopathic Remedy) the name of a remedy without the potency (an Energy Remedy) or the description of an illness plus potency (an Energy Programme), and then output those vibrations either to the 40mm inside diameter stainless steel metal well that is fitted on the front of the instrument, for making tablets or bottles of liquid remedy, or to the built in Vial at the side of the instrument in which the hair sample of the patient, or a photograph can be placed for continuous remote treatment by Radionic broadcasting.


In addition vibrations are outputted to the jack of the side of the case, and a lead and clip is provided to connect to your own metal wells or containers in which larger quantites of material can be placed to be potentised.


Like the Voice Programmed Remedy Maker and Voice Programmed Healer the device has a built in "energy memory" that can store the vibrations of any words spoken into the device, such as a description of an illness, or the names of particular remedies or combinations or remedies, plus potency information, and then output this information at a later time for making more of the same remedy, or this memory can easily be erased so that new information can be inputted.


The device also includes the many of the facilities provided by the Radionic Potentiser for P.C, (which is no longer made) which includes remedy making via the software we supply from your own PC ( sorry Mac users ) which has been tested and works well in all versions of Windows including Windows 10, the remedy information that is generated by the software being beamed into the Combo Remedy Maker via the transmitting pickup we supply, which works by means of quantum entanglement. Consequently, if the need required it one could have the computer in one room and the Combo hardware in another, and transferal of vibrations would still be accomplished.


















The software together with the hardware we supply serve to synthesize whatever vibration you require, which means you can make literally ANY subtle vibration. This method is far superior than techniques that require the use of a Database, which might not contain the remedies you require or might require updates.


This software has just been updated with a new custom made program, with many new features, for example the ability to generate and potentise any one of thousands of possible color remedies, extended potency facilities, and the ability to easily save and recall complex remedy combinations that you previously made, automatic saving of whatever you have just done, plus timer controlled Potentisation of up to 30 seconds, plus many other useful features!



Remedies that are made by this method are also outputed to the small stainless steel metal well, and to the Vial fitted on the side of the instrument, and to the output jack, independantly of the Voice Remedy Making facilities, and thus not affecting anything stored in the built in "Energy Memory".















The built in Potentiser for P.C also includes an input jack, and we supply a special Pickup Sensor which can be connected to this jack, which is able to "pickup" vibrations from pictures and photographs it is placed on, these vibrations then being converted into remedies by the Combo Remedy Maker, or transmitted directly to patients for distant healing. This pickup can also be placed on bottles of remedy, so that the vibrations can be copied to make more of the same remedy, or the potency can be altered as the user wishes.

















Screen shot of central controls - you can change background color - potency, power, timer, add multiple remedy combinations, auto save, manual save, jump to Color remedy, Programme remedy, or Lock remedy pages!


The device comes with detailed instructions, Computer Software on CD or Flash Drive, Output lead and clip, Transmitting Pickup to place on your computer Monitor or attach to the side of your laptop using a small peice of easily removeable Velcro, and a Pickup Sensor to provide the Copy Function.


To read Combo Remedy Maker Instruction Leaflet: Click here


If you were to purchase the Voice Programmed Remedy Maker Mk2, the Voice Programmed Healer, and the Potentiser for P.C as separate devices the price would be U.S $1,535.00, but now you can have the functions of all these devices in one instrument at a considerably lower cost. The Combo Remedy Maker is priced at $950.00 plus shipping costs.


Interested? Please email and let us know what you would like to purchase, and please supply some address information - at least your town and country, so we can calculate shipping costs. Devices are built to order, so please alow at least 1 week for this device to be constructed, after you have paid for it.



Spare Transmitting Pickup


If you lose the Transmitting Pickup we supply with your order, which is vibrationally matched to the Combo Remedy Maker, you will have to return the Combo to us to have a new input circuit installed, or as a last resort you can buy a UTXP as mentioned below. If you think there is any likelihood you might lose the one we supply, a better way is to buy a spare Transmitting Pickup when you order your Combo. The price for this is $18.00 Note One Spare Transmitting Pickup is free of charge if you pay for your order with ZELLE or International Bank Transfer.



Did you lose your Transmitting Pickup ?


We have developed a Universal Transmitting Pickup (UTXP) that works with any standard Combo Remedy Maker that is within a range of 10 feet ( 304.8cm ) This is to save customers having to return their equipment to us to have a new input circuit installed. UTXP's are only for people who have lost their original Transmitting Pickup, if you need a spare one at time of ordering your Combo, see the item above. The price for a UTXP is just $33.00 plus shipping.


New option for the Combo Remedy Maker, a wired computer pickup






Instead of the Transmitting Pickup/s that are normally supplied, we offer the option to have a wired computer pickup instead, this plugs into its own jack when being used, the advantage being it's easily replaceable if it gets lost, but it does have a slight disadvantage that the Combo must be placed fairly close to the Computer being used, the lead length is 24 inches. This option is highly recommneded for users that plan to use two or more Combos at the same location, as it would then be easy to mix up the Transmitting Pickps as they are NOT interchangable ! Note, There is no extra charge for this option but it is not possible to supply a wired pickup as well as the Transmitting Pickups, because of the input circuit configuration.


Replacement Wired Computer pickup


For the above type. Can be purchased either when you buy the Combo or at a later date. 24 inch lead length $35.00












Need to do lots of Remedy Copying?

Have extra Remedy Copying Facilities for your Combo Remedy maker with a Proximity Copier.
To read about it Click Here


Note: This device cannot make Medical Drugs. It will make any Homeopathic Remedy, in fact any kind of vibrational remedy. No claims are made that the device can cure any specific illness, but in the hands of an experienced practitioner the device will prove invaluable. If you have no previous experience in using vibrational medicines, some books on Homoeopathy are recommended.

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