MultiCopier (aka the Quad)
Multicopier V4
Instructions for use
The Multicopier Version 4 is primarily a way that health practitioners that use vibrational medicine can send different remote treatments to four patients at the same time, in effect four completely separate treatment channels in one device.
In addition the device can be utilized to send energy programs and affirmations to patients in vibrational form, and to a lesser extent it has use as a remedy copier.
The device is fitted with four input wells and four output wells intended for use with 5ml vials, and includes dynamic subtle energy amplification, a separate switch for each channel, all fitted into an attractive desktop case measuring aprox 8 inches x 6 inches by 2.5 inches
Eight Vials for use in the equipment are included, extra Vials may be purchased upon request.
To use to send remote treatments to patients such as Homeopathic Remedies, some already potentised tablets should be placed in a Vial in a small plastic bag and inserted into one of the Inputs, and some form of witness that connects with the patient should be placed a Vial and inserted in the corresponding Output.
This witness can be a hair sample taken from the patient, nail clippings, or a very small photograph of them taken on their own. If none of those are available, it is possible to use the persons name written on a small piece of paper, that also includes extra identification such as their age and home address. Printing these details using your computer is preferred, for clarity and because it may then be printed in a very small font size. The paper size can be as much as 2 inches x 12 inches and still fit comfortably when rolled around a pencil prior to insertion into the Output Vial
Paper Witnesses can be removed from the vial more easily using tweezers.
Once all of that is done that particular circuit should be switched on. The amount of time required for treatment must be determined by the practitioner as there is no set time period for each patient as that depends on what health problem is being treated and the health condition of the recipient.
In addition to Homeopathic remedies, none potentised material, such as Chemicals, Flowers and Herbs, Gemstones, can be placed at the Input and will be received by the patient as an Energy Remedy.
Any Vials you have used that you feel may be contaminated with the vibrations of materials or witnesses that have been placed in them can be rinsed in cold running water, then dried and then you should move a strong magnet over them to delete any remaining vibrations.
Caution ! please keep magnets well away from the equipment as a magnet being brought close to the equipment can cause permanent irrepairable damage.
An additional use of the equipment is in sending affirmations to yourself or your patient in vibrational form.
Into one of the Input Vials is placed the affirmation that you wish to send. This could for example be something you have found in the book "You can Heal your life" by Louise L Hay, or something you have written yourself. Whatever you write, it must be positive and written in the present tense. Instead of writing "I will be healthy" (future tense) you would write "Each day I become Healthier" (present tense). Instead of writing "I want to have more money" (future tense) write "I magnetically attract money" or "Each day I become wealthier" (present tense)
Whatever you choose, write it on a small piece of paper and then roll it up and push it into the Input Vial and screw the lid back on. Using another Vial at the Output place a small sample of your hair. For convenience place it in a small plastic bag, and push that into the container and screw that lid back on. On average it may take one to two weeks for the affirmations to take effect. To actuate that particular circuit simply switch it on.
Although not specifically designed for this the device can also be used to Copy any vibrational remedies you already have. Place a couple of tablets inside a small plastic bag and insert that in a Vial that you then place into one of the Input circuits. Place if you wish a full Vial of unpotentised tablets in to the corresponding output circuit, and switch the device on. It doesn't take long for the vibrations to be copied into the blank tablets, a verbal count of one to five is all it takes.
This information is supplied by
Dynamis Deo
Middleton Idaho